They're soo crunchy,convenient and make good pick-up and run snacks. Did you know that almost half of the vitamin C content of an apple lies under its skin, so it’s good to eat the skin as well.We're going apple picking this sunday with our university's Malaysian Medical Student society.. Soo excited :) Even my sister who's not a medical student is coming.. So i foresee everyone in the house being so sick of apples by next week.

My equally 'crazy over food+food blogs+ food magazine' housemate, Monica and I were in a baking mood today. We had a few apples sitting in our fruit basket and we wanted to make way for the apples that we're going to pick on Sunday.
Even though we had a really long day in hospital today, our spiced apple cake just made our day!
I found this recipe last year when i got in to my 'apple mood' last year from winosandfoodies
Its soooo easy to make and it turned out soo moist and fluffy.
All you need to make this scrumptious spiced apple cake:

125 grams butter
225 grams cooked apple
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon each - nutmeg,allspice,salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup sultanas
Cook it till it caramelizes and let it cool for about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, Sift all the dry ingredients and add your egg to it. Next, pour your dry ingredients into your cooked apple.
Add sultanas to the mixture.I omitted the sultanas as i'm not a big fan of it and added crush almonds to it.

Bake at 16oC for about 50 minutes.Sprinkle with icing sugar to serve and ice cream. Everyone in the house is on a so called 'diet' so a BIG NO to ice cream for us :(

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